FGC - Feeding the Gulf Coast
FGC stands for Feeding the Gulf Coast
Here you will find, what does FGC stand for in Non-Profit Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Feeding the Gulf Coast? Feeding the Gulf Coast can be abbreviated as FGC What does FGC stand for? FGC stands for Feeding the Gulf Coast. What does Feeding the Gulf Coast mean?Feeding the Gulf Coast is an expansion of FGC
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Alternative definitions of FGC
- Female Genital Cutting
- Flat Galaxy Catalogue
- Friends General Conference
- Foundation for Global Community
- Foundation for Global Community
- Friends of Guatemalan Children
- Foresight Generation Club
- functional group code
View 57 other definitions of FGC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FSCGC Family Service Center of Galveston County
- FSM Furtados School of Music
- FCBS First Class Business Solutions
- FCA Friend and Company Architects
- FB Function of Beauty
- FDI Flow Design Inc.
- FUMC Friendship United Methodist Church
- FA The Future Alliance
- FPA Fuqua and Partners Architects
- F4LI Fitness 4 Life Inc.
- FCA Focus Center for Autism
- FUCC Faith United Church of Christ
- FHWV First Hospital Wyoming Valley
- FUMCSD First United Methodist Church San Diego
- FPF Foster Poultry Farms
- FG The Florida Group
- FL Food for Life
- FODP FO Decorative Painting
- FFB Fresno First Bank
- FTC Flow Technical Communication